Table of Contents
English Dance Instructions
This is the index page for English / Playford dance instructions.
Please add a link here as appropriate when you have posted a set of instructions. Note that pages in RED still need to be supplied. ??P?? is a query to decide if the instructions should move to a private area.
Other sets of dances in similar genres are:
Abbey Reflection (by Trevor Monson)
Adventure at Margate, An (Kentish Hops?)
Adson's Saraband also called The New Exchange
??P?? Algorithms
All Saints' Day (Legacy: 50 Years of Dance and Song ??)
The Amazed geneticist or Ramsay's Reeling
Amsbury (no instructions) Walsh 1728. a.k.a. Hannibal, to music “Fair Quaker of Deal”. May also be Scottish.
??P?? An Improper Notion
Another Nancy's Fancy (Pat Shaw ?? where) Another Nancy & rsquo;s Fancy or the Lang Staff
Apollo's Hunt ?? NOT yet entered, but have video link
Arrival From Holland Arrival from Holland
As I Roved Out One Morning As I Roved Out One Morning
Astoria Lass 16 Dances From Fried De Metz Herman's Potters' Porch Collection; video link only
Autumn Moon vid link only
Aye Me (or The Symphony) (Playford Ball)
The Baffled Knight (Maggot Pie)
Bare Necessities Bare Necessities
Bath Carnival (1777) 7 x 32 Bars Tune: Keppel's Delight (Playford Ball)
Bayswater Breakdown (C Hume, DWAD)
Beach Spring ?? edit
The Betrayed Lover The Betrayed Lover
Betty Fair (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
Blackheath (2011 version)
Blenheim House (Mr Kynaston's Famous Dance Belshazzar's Feast, 2000, WGS 298 CD)
Blind Mary (recording only)
Bobbing Joe (Hit & Misse, p 12)
Bonny Grey Eye'd Morn (no instructions??)
Bonny Nell (Maggot Pie)
Boys of Wexford, The (Maggot Pie)
Brief Encounter (Marge Hendy)
(Our) Brief Encounters (Loretta Holtz)
Bury Fair ?? Needs edit
Cheerily_and_Merrily (Hit & Misse, p. 10)
Chelsea Reach Chelsey Reach or Buckingham House
Chestnut or Dove's Figary
Cold and Raw (Purcell's Dancing Master)
Come Sweet Lass (link to recording only??)
??P?? Come with Voices Singing
Confess(e) (Playford Ball)
Cumberland Reel (Lead note + 6 x 32 bars).
Cupids Garden (Maggot Pie)
Dampier (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
Dancing the Baby Dancing the Baby
The Dancing Dutch The Dancing Dutch
Dargason or Sedany (Playford Ball)
Darius (TTO 2016 Sat. afternoon)
Dear Papa and Dear Mama Ver 1 Dear Papa and Dear Mama (First Version)
Dear Papa and Dear Mama Dear Papa and Dear Mama (Second Version)
Designing Woman, The (Roodman: New Friends)
De'il Take the Warr or De'il Take the Wars (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
Doldrum, The (Maggot Pie)
The Donkey Brays The Donkey Brays
Donnie & rsquo's Farewell to London Donnie’s Farewell to London
Drapers Maggot (Playford Ball)
Dr. Vincent's Delight, see Doctor Vincent's Delight
Dublin Bay or We'll Wed and We'll Bed
Durham Reel Tune: A Hundred Pipers. Chord + 5 x 16 bars)
Dusty Miller (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
Dutch Dollars ??needs editing
Easter Tuesday ?? instructions needed
Emma Turns Three (Roodman: New Friends)
Enfield Common (Purcell's Dancing Master)
??P?? The Engaging Engineer
Epsom Wells or Wa' is Me
Fain I Would If I Could or Parthenia
Fair Maid (Flights of Fancy, Greg Reynolds)
Farewell Marian ??edit
Female Sailor (Female Saylor)
Fits come on me now,The ??instructions?? See Bishop of Chester's Jigg,The (Purcell's Dancing Master)
Flowers of Chirk (contra?)
For No-one (Experiment to Paul McCartney tune).
Fourpence Hapenny Farthing (which could be written “4 ¾ d”)
Free Mason (Freemason)
French Ambassador, The (Maggot Pie)
The Garter or King James' ??
Goddesses ??minor edit
Gradley Lass, The (Maggot Pie)
Green Willow (Maggot Pie)
Grounds Green Sleeves (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
Guidman of Ballangigh or Geud Man of Ballangigh (Gallangigh ????)
Guinea Pig (Come, Let's be Merry)
The Gun Fleet (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
Hair's Maggot – note there seem to be lots of spellings
Halsway Sicilian Halsway Sicilian
Hamburger Special Hamburger Special
Happy Captive (1774) Tune: The Dusky Night
Happy Clown, The (Maggot Pie)
Happy Meeting (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
Haste to the Wedding (Chord + 3 x 40 bars).
Health The or The Merry Wassail
Heathfield Rag (The Entertainer??)
Helston Furry Dance (Hit & Misse, p.20)
Heswall and West Kirby Jubilee Heswall and West Kirby Jubilee
HEY BOYS, UP GO WE (lst Ed. 1650) – See Cuckolds all a row
His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales Favourite
Hit and Miss HIT AND MISS (lst Ed. 1650) Tune: Daphne. For four; in three parts.
Hombey House (Purcell's Dancing Master)
Horseplay (Roodman: New Friends)
I Have A Song To Sing I Have a Song to Sing
Impropriety (?? could be improved)
Indian Summer (TTO 2016 Sat. afternoon)
In the Fields Of Frost And Snow
Irfona's Waltz by Mary Williams
Jackey Tarr (Jackie Tar, Jackey Tar)
Jacques Latin (or Jaque Latin or Jack Latin)
Jamaica Jameko (Jamaica)
Jenny, Come Play (Flights of Fancy, Greg Reynolds)
Jenny, Come Tye (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
John Tallis' Canon John Tallis' Canon
Johnny's Quadrille Johnny's Quadrille
Jovial Beggars (Maggot Pie)
Jump for Joy (Flights of Fancy, Greg Reynolds)
Katie the Nuisance Katie the Nuisance
Kemp's Jigg video:
Kennedy's Rant, The The Kennedy's Rant
The Kindly Shepherd The Kindly Shepherd
Kings Penny (Maggot Pie)
Kit Cat Club II (Purcell's Dancing Master)
Knot (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
Koepoort Galliard (Pat Shaw, “New Wine in Old Bottles”) The Koepoort Galliard
La Lirboulaire (Purcell's Dancing Master)
Lanes_Minuet (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
Lasses of Portsmouth (1774) Tune: We Will Down With The French
Lass of Richmond Hill. The (Actually Trip to Richmond).
Lilli Burlero or Lilliburlero
Limousine (3.32)
The Lindsay Rant or Marney & rsquo's Blarney The Lindsay Rant or Marney’s Blarney
Listen to the Mockingbird (dance or music??)
Lord and Lady of the Rings (Flights of Fancy, Greg Reynolds)
Man Was For Woman Made (Purcell's Dancing Master)
Marching to Praetorius video:
Margaret & rsquo's Waltz Margaret’s Waltz
Marions Delyte (Flights of Fancy, Greg Reynolds)
Marlborough's Victory (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
Marriage Hater (Purcell's Dancing Master)
The Martial Baron The Martial Baron
Men of Law or Solicitors and Barristers Men of Law or Solicitors and Barristers
Merrily We Dance and Sing or The Fillip Merrily We Dance and Sing or The Fillip
Merry Andrew, The (Maggot Pie)
The Merry Meeting (1778) 7 x 32 Bars Tune: The Handsome Couple
Mignonette (reference only)
Miss Andersons Allemande Miss Anderson's Allemande
Miss Avril's Delight Miss Avril's Delight
Miss Bedlington's Fancy Miss Bedlington’s Fancy
Miss Sparks's Maggot (Playford Ball)
Mock Hobby Horse,The (lOth Ed. 1698)
Moll Peatly
Monica's Delight (2 couple, Pat Shaw, written at age 13) Monica’s Delight
Monieks Maggot This is a dance for 3 couples by Philippe Callens. The same tune was used in the movie Pride and Prejudice (2005) and is reconstructed at Pride and Pomposity below
Mother Quoth Hodge (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
—–to here—– — nashjc 2017/12/13 19:10
Mr Bach's Gavotte ??G Roodman “A number of calculated figures” (2000)
Mr Ganiford's Maggot Mr Ganiford’s Maggot
Mr Handel's delight (Flights of Fancy, Greg Reynolds)
Mr Shaws Apologies Mr Shaw's Apologies
Mr Shaw's Canon Mr Shaw's Canon
Mr Young's Delight (Purcell's Dancing Master)
Mu to My
Na to Ne
New Princess, The / Early Riser
News From Tripoli (or Tripoly)
A New Rigadoon (Purcell's Dancing Master)
New Whitehall (Purcell's Dancing Master)
Nightcap or Night Cap (Maggot Pie)
The Night Piece or Night Peese or The Night-Peace or The shaking of the sheets
Nonesuch or A La Mode de France
Northern Lass, The (Maggot Pie)
Old Hob or The Mouse Trap
Once a Night (1774) Tune: Ye Social Powers (Playford Ball)
Parthenia (Maggot Pie)
Parting Lovers,The (1776) 7 x 48 Bars
Philida of Utrecht Philida of Utrecht
Phoenix Rejuvenated, The The Phoenix Rejuvenated
Picking Up Sticks (lst Ed. 1650) Tune: Lavena Longways for six; in three parts.
Pinewoods Square Eight Pinewoods Square Eight
Planting the May Planting the May
Pleasures of the Town (1777) Tune: The Fair Maid of the Inn
Po ...
Poor Robin's Maggot. See Would You Have A Young Virgin
Pretty Nun (vol 3 1728)
The Pride of Newcastle The Pride of Newcastle
The Prince Consort &rsquo's Rant The Prince Consort’s Rant
Prince Eugene's March (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
Prince Rupert's March (Hit & Misse p. 6)
Prince William of Glo's'ter's Waltz (Playford Ball)
Queen of Sheba (Maggot Pie)
Real Princess The Real Princess
Recruiting Officer (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
Red House of Cardiff Red House of Cardiff (Tŷ Coch Caerdydd)
Richmond Ball (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
Ro ...
Royal Albert, The (for Farmer's Quadrille) ?????
Saint Martin's (Hit & Misse, p. 21)
Sally from Poland Sally from Poland
Saucy Sailor, The (Maggot Pie)
School for Scandal, A (1778) 6 x 32 Bars Tune: The New Fandango
Scotch Measure, The (Purcell's Dancing Master)
Se to Sh
Shadrack's Delight (tune Dashing White Sergeant)
Shepherds Delight Shepheards Holyday or Labour in Vaine or Shepherd's Holiday or Labour in Vain
Shropshire Gallop Shropshire Galop (The Salop Galop)
The Shy Mer-Chant or Jack's Serenade to Genny The Shy Mer-Chant or Jack's Serenade to Genny
Sicilian Circle (Lead note + 6 x 32 bars).
Silver for the Matthews Silver for the Matthews
Slof Galliard (Pat Shaw, “New Wine in Old Bottles”) The Slof Galliard
Sm to Sq
Smarts of New Tunbridge Wells, The
Some Say the Devil's Dead (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
Sonny Brogan's/Brian O'Lynn/Blue Jay
Spanheim (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
Staffordshire Hornpipe Staffordshire Hornpipe
St. Giles Gate (or Will Kemp's Entry Into Norwich)
??P?? Star Right, Star Bright
Step Stately (Jack Pudding)
Stockport Assembly (Roodman: New Friends)
Su ...
Summer Circle - Sicilian Circle
Sweet Kate (1670) (Hit & Misse, p. 14)
Sweet Rosie Red Sweet Rosie Red
Ta to Th
Take not a Woman's Anger Ill (Purcell's Dancing Master)
Terpsicourante (Roodman: New Friends)
The Three Sea Captains The Three Sea Captains
Three Meet (Lead note +6 x 32 bars)
Ti to To
Tr ...
Tribute to Irfona (Mary Williams version??, Greg's spelling dance to a tune Irfona played??)
Trip to Amsterdam (?? 50 Years)
Trip to Dublin (1777) 7 x 32 Bars Tune: The Contrefatte
Trip to Margate ?? is this the same as the dance above
Trip to The Cottage (Intro. of 4 bars+6 x 32 bars)
Trip to The Mills (Molengang)
The Troubled Suitor The Troubled Suitor
Trumpet Vine or Joe Brown & rsquo's Hornpipe Trumpet Vine or Joe Brown’s Hornpipe
Twas Within a Furlong of Edinborough Town (Purcell's Dancing Master)
Valentine's Day (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
??P?? Vermont Friends
Virgin of 15 Years (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
Wa to We
The Waters of Holland (First Version)
The Waters of Holland (Second Version)
Waltz Cotillion or Killarney Waltz
We Are All Right at Canterbury
Well's Humour (Purcell's Dancing Master)
Whirl A Jig tune by Charlene Thompson, dance by Loretta Holtz
Whirligig's Last Bow The Whirligigs’ Last Bow or Whirligigs’s Maggot
Whitehall Minuet or White-Hall Minuett
Whitsun Holidays or The Parson in the Pease
Wo ...
Wooden Shoes or Bartholomew Fair (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)
Woodicock/An Old Man is a Bed full of Bones (4.03) (only Playford transcription unedited??)
Young Man's Fancy (Maggot Pie)
Young Roger (Country Dances from Colonial New York: James Alexander's Notebook, New York, 1730)