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My Lady Cullen

Longways for as many as will
My Lady Cullen, Playford 1651 Recording:

        Leade up all a D. and backe; That againe :
        Set and turne S.; That againe : 
        First Cu.  crosse over and fall on the outside into the 2.  place and
        change places ;
        The first foure hands all a brest and lead up to the presence and
        fall back :
         Right hands a crosse and goe round all foure ;
         Left hands a crosse and goe round back againe :
         First Cu.  cast off and falling into the 2.  place, slip between the
         2.  Cu.  the first man standing before the 2.  man, and the first
         Wo.  before the 2.  Wo.
         The 2.  Cu.  cast off and falling between the first, stand as before:
         The 2.  Cu.  take both hands and slip up whilst the first Cu.  take
         both hands and slip downe, holding hands so still, both Cu.  slip
         Set and turne S. : 
         First Cu.  crosse over and fall on the outside into the 2.  place
         The first foure hands a brest and lead up to the presence, and back
         again :
         Each face to his owne and clap your hands, We.  Armes, whilst the
         men Armes ù Armes each other with his owne, the first Cu.  in the 2. 
         place, and the 2.  Cu. in the 1st place.�que

My Lady Cullen

my interpretation

 1-16   Lead up a double and back twice.
 1-16   Set and turn S.; twice
 1-8    1st Cu.  cross and go below cross again into line of four facing up L1 L2 G2 G1
 1-8    lead up a double and back and bending the line
 1-8    Right hands across all the way around
 1-8    Left hands back
 1-8    First Cu.  cast down and lead up  (twos don't move)
 1-8    2nd  Cu.  cast up and lead down    (ones don't move)
 1-4    2nd  Cu.  make an arch moving up while 1st Cu  slip down  
 5-8    1st  Cu.  make an arch moving up while 2nd Cu  slip down 
 1-8    Set and turn S. 
 1-8    1st Cu.  cross and go below cross again into line of four facing up L1 L2 G2 G1
 1-8    lead up a double and back and bending the line
 1-8    face your NBR and clap your hands once,   Arm R with your NBR 1.5 times 
 1-8    Arm L with your Prtn once around
ins_my_lady_cullen.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/11 04:50 by