Published by Bride in 1766.
Adapted by Schwab in ~1985
and further adapted by Cook in 1987.
Proper duple minor dance
(Based on Tom Cook's interpretation in Hunter's Moon, except he calls for a two couple set)
The dance is 64 bars: AABBAABB
A1 Cpl.1 lead down (1 bar), turn inwards & lead up (1 bar); 1s cast down, 2s leading up (2 bars); A2 orig. Cpl.2 do the same, all back to orig. places Note1: It can be helpful if couple 1, as they get back to place, turn single away from each other into the hey. B1 Cpl.1 & W2 straight hey for 3 across room, (W2 pass left shoulders with M1); B2 Cpl.1 continue the hey w/ M2, who starts by passing W1 by R sh. Note2: It is important that couple 1 finish the hey smartly, so that W1 can begin her advance toward M2 A3 W1 advances towards M2, who retreats, w/ 2 hands pulls him to ctr of the set; they turn 2-hands once & fall bk; A4 M1 does the same w/ W2 B3 Cpl.1 cross, cast below Cpl.2 (who move up), Cpl.1 2-hands-turn half, fall back to prog. places; partners facing, B4 circular-hey, 4 changes. Note3: Caller should decide if circular-hey (no hands) or R&L (hands) to avoid confusion.
Al 1-4 1s lead a the center of the set (1 bar), lead back to places (1 bar), then cast down into 2nd place, 2s moving up into 1st place. A2 1-4 2s lead down the center of the set (1 bar), lead back to places (1 bar), then cast down into 2nd place, 1s moving up into 1st place. B1 1-4 The 1s hey with 2nd woman, 2nd woman passing 1st man by the left shoulder to begin. B2 1-4 The 1s hey with 2nd man, 2nd man passing 1st woman by the right shoulder to begin. All home. A3 1-4 1st woman advances toward 2nd man, who falls back a little (1 bar); she takes him by two hands and draws him to the center of the set (1bar), then they two-hand turn once around (2 bars). A4 1-4 1st man advances toward 2nd woman, who falls back a little; he takes her by two hands and draws her to the center of the set, then they two-hand turn once around. B3 1-4 1s cross and go below, 2s moving up. 1s two-hand turn halfway and fall back a little in progressed places. B4 1-4 Four changes of a circular hey, starting with partner.
The title of the Bride dance had come into currency again, with a very strong seasonal association, after the 1730s, following the appearance of Round About Our Coal Fire; or, Christmas Entertainments (C. 1730) by the pseudonymous Tom Merryman. Here, it was nostalgically resonant of customs already receding into England's past: The Dancing and Singing of the Benchers in the great Inns of Court in Christmas, is in some sort founded upon Interest, for they hold, as I am informed, some Privilege by Dancing about the Fire in the middle of their Hall, and singing the Song of Round about our Coal Fire, &c.
This time of Year being cold and frosty generally speaking, or when Jack-Frost commonly takes us by the Nose, the Diversions are within Doors, either in Exercise or bythe Fire-side.
Country-Dancing is one of the chief Exercises and Cupid always sits in the Corner of the Room where these Diversions are transacting, and shoots Quivers full of Arrows at the Dancers, and makes his own game of them.