Mr. Legge's Initiation
A dance by Joseph Pimentel 1997
proper duple minor
May 2005 English country dance by Joseph Pimentel longways, duple minor, proper tune “Lovely Lane” by Dave Wiesler, 110 bpm, 2/2, C major
A 1-4 1st corners set toward each other and turn single back to place 5-8 facing Partner two changes of Right and Left 9-12 2nd corners set toward each other and turn single back to place 13-16 facing Neighbour two changes of Right and Left (all home) B 1-8 Take crossed hands with P: full poussette, CCW (end merged into wavy lines across, looking from the stage: W2-W1-M2-M1, 15 facing down, 2s facing up, all with L sh next to N) 9-12 Individually, lead forward a double and fall back 13-16 N L-hd turn once and a bit more to progressed place
For my Chicago buddy John Legge, a wonderful dancer and a fine contra dance caller, who first started contra dancing at Lovely Lane. This is the very nice dance hall used for both contra and English dancing in Baltimore MD, for which Dave Wiesler wrote this great tune.
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