Sadler's Wells
Reconstruction by Douglas and Helen Kennedy 1929
Duncing Master 1728
Duple minor proper
A1 1-4 Back to back with neighbour 1-4 Back to back with partner A2 1-4 Turn neighbour 2H once round 1-4 Turn partner 2H once round B1 1-4 All set towards center, turn single back to place, clapping 3 times as you turn 5-8 Circle 4 hands L once round (This was missing until 211023) B2 1-4 1s 1/2 figure 8 down through C2 5-6 1s cross and go below, C2 moving up. 7-8 Partners two hand turn once around End facing next couple ready to back to back.
SADLER’S WELLS The story of Sadler's Wells is, if anything, even more romantic. Richard Sadler, having discovered a former monastic spring on his property in Islington, opened a “Musick House” and pleasure garden there, claiming that its iron-rich waters were effective in treating “dropsy, jaundice, scurvy, green sickness, and other distempers to which females are liable — ulcers, fits of the mother, virgin's fever and hypochondriacal distemper.” After a brief spell as a fashionable resort for its concerts and waters, however, it suffered such a decline that by 1711 it was called “a nursery of debauchery; and in 1724 its then-manager, James Miles, ‘was murdered. Sadler's Wells now enjoys happier days: the sixth theater on the site is now one of the world’s premier venues for dance performance.