Du Min Gary Roodman 1992
Music: Mozart: Rondo a la Turka
A1 1-4 Hands 4 L once round; 5-8 1st corners cross, 2nd corners cross: A2 Repeat above to places: B1 1-8 1st Co lead down through 2nd Co, turn, lead up; 2nd Co lead up through 1st Co, turn & lead down: 9-16 2nd Co cast up & I/2 fig down as Ist Co lead down, cast up & I/2 fig down, finishing in line of 4 facing down, 2nd Co in middle & all improper: C1 1-4 Line leads down a double & falls back, all turning at last moment to face up; 5-8 Line leads up a double & falls back into set formation: C2 1-4 1st Co cross, go below & face up as 2nd Co 2 hands 1/2 turn & lead up; 5-8 1st Co gate NEXT 2nd Co round into set formation again.
Recording: good_man_of_cambridge-060-apnw-08.mp3.zip