Saint Martin's
2 couples facing
John Playford's 1651 book 'The English Dancing Master'.
Tune: St Martin's
Part I A1 1-4 All forward a double, then two slips to left and back. 5-8 All turn single twice:, first men to left, women to right; then men right, women left. A2 1-8 All change places with opposite (1-4), with partner (5-6), then all turn single (7-8). B1 1-2 Men fall back a double while women turn single. 3-4 Men meet, take left-hands and turn half-way. 5-8 Men turn opposite women right-hand once-and-a-half, skipping. B2 1-2 Women fall back a double while men turn single. 3-4 Women meet, take left-hands and turn half-way. 5-8 Partners turn right-hand once-and-a-half, skipping, to end facing opposite. Part II A1 1-4 All balance back, forward, and change places with opposite. 5-8 Partners set and turn single. A2 1-8 Repeat A1. B1 1-2 Men meet and stand face-to-face. 3-4 Women the same. 5-8 Circle four-hands around half-way, slipping (5-6), and all turn single (7-8). B2 1-8 Repeat B1, women meeting first. Part III A1 1-2 All forward a double to meet, take opposite two-hands. 3-4 All two slips away from partner and back. 5-8 Men cast left followed by partner and return through center to place, skipping. A2 1-4 All fall back a double (1-2), then partners change places by right shoulder. 5-8 Men back-to-back left shoulder and fall back into original place. Immediately after men pass left, women back-to-back right shoulder and fall into original place. B1 1-4 Men honor partners (1-2), women honor partners (3-4). 5-8 All right hands-across once around. B2 1-4 Women honor partners, men honor partners. 5-6 All left hands-across half-way; end in a line facing up, 1st couple on right. 7 8 All lead forward a double, and honor the Presence
Recording: Step Stately Track 11 (cassette B3)
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