Hazelfern Place
(2006, Chris Sackett & Brooke Friendly)
duple minor, longways, proper
A1 8 Partners R-shoulder back-to-back 8 Partners 2-hand turn once round & open up to face neighbor A2 8 Neighbors mirror back-to-back (2s up betw 1s to begin) 8 Neighbors mirror 1-hand turn-one-and-a-quarter (2s up betw 1s to begin) All end in line of 4 facing up w/ 2s in middle (1s do flip at end) B1 8 Lines of 4 lead up a double & back 8 2s lead up & cast down into middle of same line of 4 facing down while 1s cast, cross up, & cast (half figure-8) to other end of that line of 4 facing down B2 8 Lines of 4 lead down a double & back 8 2s lead down & cast up into progressed place while 1s cast up & cross down (half figure-8) into progressed place
Music: La Maison de Glace by Rejean Brunet, 1997
Teaching Points:
A2 bars 5-8: neighbors turn with R-hand on R-file and L-hand on L-file.
BI and B2 bars 5-8: the lead up or down for the 2s is not very far—enough to come forward out
of line before beginning the cast.
Atend of B2, it works well for the 1s to curve over R-shoulder fo get to progressed places.
For Mary Devlin and Norman Hale who live on Hazelfern Place in Portland, Oregon.
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