Turning of the Year
1998 duple minor, longways
Dance by Mike Richardson
Not well-executed, but only one I could find.
Part Bars Description A 8 Double figure eight (1's start crossing down between the 2's). 2's end the figure by crossing down, but they maintain eye contact. 4 1's advance towards partner and retire WHILE 2's fall back then advance to partner. 4 Mirror gypsy with neighbor (1's start going down the center) B 4 Mirror allemande with neighbor (same path as the gypsy) 8 Ones, taking hand with partner and acting as a unit: Hey for "three" across the set (1's pass left shoulders with W 2 to start) 4 Mirror back-to-back with neighbor (1's in the center to start) 1+1/2 to progress to next couple.
Notes: Suggested music: “My Cape Breton Home” by Jerry Holland, played AB.
Music and dance published in CDSS News #152 (Jan/Feb 2000).
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