Hop Pickers' Feast
(Thompson 1786)
Longways for 3 couples
A1 1-8 1st Cpl set R & L, then set to 2nd lady and circle 3 left A2 1-8 Repeat with 2nd man B1 1-8 1st Cpl cross, go round 2s, cross again, go round 3s and meet at the bottom 9-16 1st Cpl lead to top, cast below 2s and turn single, 2s moving up B2 1-8 1s and 3s circle left and back 9-16 1s and 2s R&L through and back (4 changes) and 1s move to bottom (3s up) to finish
ins_hop_pickers_feast.txt · Last modified: 2019/04/29 00:43 by