All Saints' Day
by David Ashworth, duple proper longways
A 1st corners right hand turn while 2nd corners cast CCW halfway around the set to change places (1-4), 2nd corners left hand turn while 1st corners cast CW halfway around the set to change places; all are now improper and progressed (5-8) B1 Face partner, fall back a double (1-2), Lead forward and cross right shoulder with partner (3-4), Turn over right shoulder into a single file circle; lady 1 leading to a line of 4 across the set facing up (L1, L2, G2, G1) (5-8) B2 Line of 4 lead forward and fall back, bending to a circle (1-4), 1's cross and cast below twos while 2's lead up, lady crossing in front of gent (5-8)
All Saints' Day MS 2018/10/30 by David Ashworth, duple proper longways A 1-4, 1st corners right hand turn all the way around while 2nd corners walk CCW halfway around the set to change places 5-8 2nd corners left hand turn all the way around while 1st corners walk CW halfway around the set to change places; (all are now improper and progressed) B1 1-2, Face partner, fall back a double 3-4, Lead forward and cross right shoulder with partner, Turn over right shoulder into a single file circle; 5-8 1st lady leading to a line of 4 across the set facing up L1L2G2G1 B2 1-4 Line of 4 lead forward and fall back, bending to a circle 1st couple cross and cast below twos, while 2nd couple lead up, 5-8 lady crossing in front of gent
ins_all_saints_day.txt · Last modified: 2019/04/04 14:31 by