The Maid's Last Wish
Playford, The Dancing Master, 1695–1728.
Tom Cook, Again Let's Be Merry (EFDSS), 1979.
Graham Christian, The Playford Assembly (CDSS), 2015.
6/8, C major
Proper duple-minor longways
A1 1–4 First corners cross the set, orbit right around partner to each other's place and meet. 5–6 First corners turn single and meet again. 7–8 First corners fall back into each other's place. A2 1–4 Second corners face left, orbit right around partner to each other's place and meet. 5–6 Second corners turn single and meet again. 7–8 Second corners fall back into each other's place. B1 1–4 Neighbors back-to-back. 5–8 Partners back-to-back. B2 1–2 Neighbors face for rights-and-lefts, two quick changes. 3–4 Neighbors pass by the right. 5–8 Ones lead down through the next twos and cast up to progressed places.
X:1 T:The Maid's Last Wish C:Playford O:1695-1728 S:Peter Barnes, "English Country Dance Tunes, vol. 1", p71 M:6/8 L:1/8 K:C major Q:3/8=120 g|"C"e2dc2B|cG_B"F"A2a|"C"g2f ece|"G"g3G2g|\ "C"e2dc2B|cG_B"F"A2f|"Dm"e2d"G"d2c|"C"c3-c2:| |:G|"C"E2FG2c|"F"AFcf2e|"Dm"dcBA2d|"G"B3-B2g|\ "C"ec2c'2g|_b3"F"a2g|"Dm"fed"G"d2c|"C"c3-c2:|
The Maid's Last Prayer, a comedy staged in London in 1693–the title misremembered by Playford or deliberately altered in the Dancing Master. Christian points out the 'maiden's wish/prayer' is to be a maid no longer.
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