Mrs. Beveridge's Triumph
Duple minor, proper
A1 1 - 4 1st woman set to 2nd man, who falls back a double away from her, then she dances between the men and turns right behind her partner to return to her starting spot, while the other three dancers cast to their right, ready to follow her; 5 - 8 All four dance single file clockwise halfway round. (All progressed, improper) A2 1 - 4 2nd woman set to 1st man, who falls back a double away from her, then she dances between the men and turns left behind her partner to return to where she started the figure, while the other three dancers cast to their left to follow her; 5 - 8 All four dance single file counterclockwise halfway round to starting places, end facing up. B1 1 - 8 1s cast down and meet to form the middle of a line of four, while the 2s lead up and cast out to the ends of the line. Line of four up a double and back, ends turning in. B2 1 - 8 Circle left once around. 1s lead up through the 2s and cast back to progressed places.
Copyright © none
Source: Graham Christian, TTO Ball Program
Sticker Number: n/a
ins_mrs_beveridges_triumph.txt · Last modified: 2019/04/13 14:34 by