Love's Triumph
Longways for six
Scott Higgs reconstruction 2022
A1 8 C1 and C2 double to ctr of 4. Turn S R to place 8 First and second couples circle halfway. C1 and C2 turn half way. A2 8 C1 and C3 repeat this (double, Turn S, circle 1/2, turn 1/2) B1 8 First couple cast up one. 8 Partners back to back, and turing single at end of figure. 16 C1 and C2 4 changes R&L starting with neighbour B2 8 On R diagonal RH turn, C1 (in middle) pass R, 8 Left diagonal RH turn (NOTE: RH) C1 return to own side in middle at end. 16 All turn ptnr 2 H, then C1 lead up and cast to bottom, while C3 move up to middle. (Beat count may be wrong and need fixing)
Playford Ball version
A1 8 First and second couples a double to each other and turn single to place. (Partners turn toward each other.) 8 First and second couples circle halfway. A2 8 First and third couples a double to each other, and turn single to place. (Partners turn away from each other.) 8 First and third couples turn halfway. B1 8 First couple cast up one. 8 Partners back to back, and turn single. (Third couple facing, first and second facing neighbor). 16 First and second couples rights and lefts (hands), starting with partner. B2 8 First man turn third man three-quarters (right-hand), while first lady the same with third lady. 12 First couple lead up and cast to middle, then lead down to last place. 4 Partner's turn left halfway.
ins_loves_triumph.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/10 23:28 by nashjc