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Lasses of Portsmouth

Choreography/Music: Karen Shaw to tune by Doug Plummer
Triple minor or 3C set, proper

Al 1-4 First couple half a right hand turn, cast down.
   5-8 Circle left with the third couple.
A2 1-4 First couple half a right hand turn, cast up.
   5-8 Circle left with the second couple.
Bl 1-8 First couple lead down the center, cast up round the third couple,
       in through the sides, up between the second couple and
       cast to the bottom place to progress (third couple move up).
B2 1-8 Four slow changes of a right and left at the top,
       for the original second and third couples.

From John Garden:

Lasses of Portsmouth

to the tune for 'Fete Champetre'
A triple minor dance
Thompson which found its way into the Apted collection.

Although the dance is only discernible in the cabinet mirror behind the talking actors, is can be followed (up to the point when, curiously, there is a moment when the A part of the tune is repeated a third time - doubtlessly the result of some editing).

If you want to try the actual dance which went to the tune 'Fete Champetre' in Thompson's Compleat Collection, vol.4, 1780, try this reconstruction:

   A1 Turn your Part. right-hand with 8 walking steps
      or 4 travelling steps then left hand turn same
   A2 Just 1s lead down the middle with 8 walking steps 
      up again & cast off with 8 skipping or travelling steps
   B1 The 1st lead up while 2s take hand behind them, 
      and then go left as a couple, followed by 2d & 3d Cu. 
      Promenade quite round till back in original position
   B2 Cast off one Cu. so, with 8 walking or 4 travelling steps, 
      1s return to middle progressed position & quickly right & 
      left at top to go, with just 2 walking steps or 
      1 travelling step for each of 4 sides, all the way around 
      and back into progressed place. 

A video shows yet another version, I believe to Fete Champetre.

Original music appears to be “We will down with the French” (30 years' war patriotic song).

ins_lasses_of_portsmouth.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/06 03:12 by