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3 couples round set - Jig
Pat Shaw 1974

1st Figure
A1 1-4 All Circle Left with a slipping step.
   5-8 All face partners and Set and Turn Single.
A2 1-8 All Circle Right with a slipping step and Set and Turn Single as before.
B1 1-4 1st Couple Right Hand Turn once round.
    5-8 2nd Couple Right Hand Turn once round while 1st couple Left Hand Turn once round.
    9-12 3rd Couple Right Hand Turn while 2nd couple Left Hand Turn; at the same time 1st couple,
         slightly anticipating the phrase if it helps and with a skipping or skip change of step, lead
         across the set between the two turning couples, separate and cast back to places round the
         outside of the set.
   13-16 1st couple Right Hand Turn, 3rd couple Left Hand Turn while 2nd couple lead across the set
         and cast back, as described for the 1st couple above.
   17-20 2nd couple Right Hand Turn, 1st couple Left Hand Turn while 3rd couple lead across the set
         and cast back.
2nd Figure
A3 1-8  All side with partners (see note below) and Set and Turn Single.
A4 1-8  Repeat A3.
B2 1-20 As in B1, except that the 2nd couple starts the sequence, followed by the 3rd, then the 1st.
3rd Figure
A5 1-8  All Arm Right with partners and Set and Turn Single.
A6 1-8  All Arm Left with partners and Set and Turn Single.
B3 1-20 As in B1, but with 3rd couple starting, followed in turn by 1st and then 2nd. All honour
        partners to finish.

NOTE: In the second figure, the siding should be done the “old” way, as described by Cecil Sharp in the Country Dance Book. The B music of this dance is a “round” both musically and dancewise. The movements always occur in the same order viz, Right Hand Turn, Left Hand Turn and Lead Across and Cast Back to Place. In the 1st Figure it is the 1st Couple who start, in the 2nd, it is the couple on their left. i.e. 2nd couple, who begin and 3rd couple start in the 3rd Figure.

One of the fruits of Pat Shaw’s visit to the US in 1974 and his time at Pinewoods camp was a treasured collection of dances assembled eventually in two volumes, Among the Pines and Between Two Ponds. One of those ponds—Round Pond—is the inspiration for this delightful, lively, 3-couple dance in round formation.

ins_round_pond.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/17 04:55 by mar4uscha