Gary Roodman 1999
Longways for Four Couples
Duple Minor Improper
Historical English Style
A1 With neighbor, right hand turn once around, The women change places with each other by the right shoulder, then face neighbor (the person you just turned with) for a two-hand turn halfway, an end facing the other pair up or down the set. (Its nice for the women to maintain eye contact with neighbor as they Cross, ) A1 SIMILAR FIGURE FROM NEW PLACES; With partner (who is up or down the get from you), right hand turn once around, Men change places with each other and face partner for a two-hand turn halfway, and end facing the other couple up or down the set. Everyone is now diagonally across from where they began, B1 1-2 SIDE-BY-SIDE SIDING: Move forward to stand right shoulder to right shoulder with neighbor, 3-4 All turn single left back to place. B2 Side-by-side siding by the left shoulder with neighbor and all turn single right back to place, C CHAINING RIGHT/LEFT HANDS ACROSS: Right-hands across halfway with your own couple; then in the middle, two couples left-hands across halfway; then on the ends, everyone right-hands across halfway. Everyone turn single, D1, D2 With this last couple, do a whole poussette, women pulling first.
MUSIC: “Mundesse”, which appears in the first edition of
Playford’s The English Dancing Master (1651).
Teaching Point:
In B1 and B2, it is good to urge dancers to leave
a little space in the middle as they do the siding, so that there is
room for middle people to do the turn singles away.
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