(2004, Philippe Callens)
duple minor, longways, proper, triple time
A1 1-4 Women meet and lead between the men, separate and cast back to place 5-6 1st woman & 2nd man (2nd corners) cross R shoulder and turn R to face back in 7-8 All four cast R to move 1 place clockwise around the set (all improper) A2 1-4 Men meet and lead between the women, separate and cast back to place 5-6 1st man and 2nd women (now in 2nd corner) cross R shoulder and turn R to face back in 7-8 All 4 cast R 1 place clockwise to home positions 1s face down B1 1-4 1s dance R sh (clockwise) around neighbor 1 1/4 X: 1st man starts down ctr, end in center facing 2nd man as 1st wo starts down outside, end facing in to 2nd wo who turns to face her. All in a line of 4. 5-8 Half a straight hey, neighbors start passing R sh (Middles end in other middle; ends at other end) B2 1-2 2s dance R shoulder 3/4 around neighbor, end above them; in bar 2: 1s turn about; all face clockwise 3-4 Single file clockways, halfway round, to home 5-6 Partners give RH, balance F&B 7-8 1s cast; 2s lead up
ins_noisette.txt · Last modified: 2019/04/24 01:11 by