Mr. Young's Delight
Longways duple minor, 2/2 meter
Playford, 1696, interpreted by Fried Herman, 1995
A 1-8 Circle left half-way around, fall back away from partner, come forward, and cloverleaf turn single (M1 and W2 left, and W1 and M2 right). 9-12 1st corners cross left shoulder, then 2nd corners cross right shoulder. 13-16 All fall back and come forward turning into a back ring. B1 1-4 Back ring to right half-way, then all turn to face partner. 5-8 1s (in 2nd place improper) lead down a double, turn in towards partner and lead up again. B2 1-4 2s (in 1st place improper), lead up a double, turn in towards partner and lead down again. 5-8 All two-hand turn partner half-way and turn single left.
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