Kneeland Romp
3 Couple Longways
Dance by Gary Roodman
A1 1-4 1's cast into 2nd place, 2's move up. 5-8 1's and 3's circle left once around. A2 1-4 1's cast back into 1st place, 2's move down. 5-8 1's and 2's circle left once around. B1 1-8 1's lead down the middle and back and cast into second place. 9-12 Lines of 3 take hands and set right and left moving forward and turn single back to place. B2 1-4 Top couple right hand turn, bottom couples do 2 changes of a circular hey starting with partner and giving hands. 5-8 Bottom couple right hand turn, top couples do 2 changes of a circular hey. 9-12 Top couple right hand turn, bottom couples do 2 changes of a circular hey. Progression: 3-1-2 Repeat 2 times.
ins_kneeland_romp.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/02 04:58 by