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A Mover and Shaker

(longways, duple minor)

(1997, Gary Roodman, CDSS Newsletter)

   A. Cpl.1 dance half figure-8 around Cpl.2
      All change places w/ partner; circle L half
   A. Cpl.2 (in 1st place) half figure-8 around Cpl.1
      All change places w/ partner; circle L half
      (Everyone now improper, but not progressed)
   B. All turn single up (women L, men R), lead up a dble w/ partner;
      fall back to place, acknowledge partner, turn single away from partner
   B. With neighbor, lead away and back; two-hand turn with partner halfway, 
      Cpl. 1 cast off as Cpl.2 leads up
ins_mover_and_shaker.txt · Last modified: 2017/12/13 19:10 by