The Installation
1772 – 3 couples, longways
A1 8 Crossover mirror hey, 1's crossing A2 8 Crossover mirror hey, 1's crossing back B1 4 1's half figure eight down through the 2's 4 Partners two-hand turn B2 4 3's half figure eight up through the 2's 4 Partners two-hand turn C1 4 Take hands in a ring of six and step-swing right, left, right, left 4 Gents face ladies on right Three changes of a right and left grand C2 8 Repeat C1 D1 4 1's cross and go down one place while the 2's move up 4 1's half figure eight up through the 1's D2 4 1's and 3's dance five changes of rights and lefts, beginning with partners 4 1's continue outside to bottom place while the 3's lead up to middle place
The Installation
Three couple longways, G Major/Minor, 6/8 Twenty Four Country Dances (Thompson), 1772. The Playford Ball, Kate Van Winkle Keller and Genevieve Shimer (CDSS), 1994.
A1 1-8 Crossover mirror-image hey (1st woman and 3rd man pass left shoulders to start; 1st man and 3rd woman pass right shoulders to start). 1st couples end improper at the top. A2 1-8 1st couple crossing again, mirror hey on own side. All end in original place. B1 1-4 1st couple half figure eight down through 2nd couple. 5-8 Partners two-hand turn. B2 1-4 3rd couple half figure eight up through 2nd couple. 5-8 Partners two-hand turn. C1 1-4 Taking hands in a ring, all step-swing right and left, twice. 5-8 Men facing woman on their right, three changes of a grand right and left. C2 1-8 Repeat C1 from these places. End in original place, 1st and 3rd couples improper. D1 1-8 1st couple cross by left shoulder, go below (2nd couple moving up), dance half figure eight up through 2nd couple. D2 1-4 Starting with partner, bottom two couples (original 1st and 3rd, both improper), four quick changes of a circular hey (no hands). 5-6 Same two couples pass partner by right shoulders, then - 7-8 1st couple continue down the outside to bottom place, as 3rd couple lead up center to 2nd place.
A rambunctious, exciting dance in three parts, full of energy and movement. Given enough space, dancers will sail through the A music, making large loops in the heys and figure eights. The C music is a complete change of pace, sounding (and feeling) more like a Russian folk dance! The finale resumes the quick pace, finishing with a nifty set of changes to progress and propel everyone into the next round from new places. A real workout, especially for the first couple in each round.
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