Drapers Gardens
Playford, The Dancing Master, 1706-1728.
Bernard J. Bentley, Fallibroome Collection, vol. II, 1965.
Kate Van Winkle Keller and Genevieve Shimer, The Playford Ball (CDSS), 1994.
Preston, “The Margravine's Waltz”, Preston's Twenty Four Country Dances, 1799.
Peter Barnes, English Country Dance Tunes, vol. 1, p30.
3/4, G major
proper duple-minor longways A1 1-4 First corners set forward and turn single. 5-8 First corners two-hand turn once around. A2 1-4 Second corners set forward and turn single. 5-8 Second corners two-hand turn once around. B 1-2 Women face and two-hand turn halfway. 3-4 Men face and two-hand turn halfway. 5-8 Circle left halfway. Neighbors fall back on the side. 9-12 Partners face for rights-and-lefts, two leisurely changes. 13-16 Ones lead up through the twos couple and cast down one place.
Bernard Bentley has a turn single left at the end of the circle left in B 5-8.
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