The Night Cap
Devised by Marjorie Heffer and William Porter in 1932
4cpls square 1932 Maggot Pie
Part Beats Description Chorus: A1 4 Inside hands joined w/partner, all take 2 step-togethers to the right. 4 Forward a double, face partner and take 2-H [gents have their backs to the center of the square] 4 Gents dance forward/ladies back a double. 4 Ladies dance forward/gents back, opening into the square A2 8 W/partner, take 2 steps left, then forward a double. Face partner and take 2-H [ladies have their back to the center of the square] 8 As above, with ladies starting forward/gents back. End in original places First Figure: B1 4 Sides face partner. 1s dance forward. 4 1s separate and slip out through nearest side couple as 3s dance up to end between the sides 4 Mirror hands-across œ [on 1st gent side R-H, on 1st lady L-H], til the 1s are in the center facing up 4 All dance home: 1s straight ahead, 3s around the side, sides finish the turn 4 All face partner and turn single. B2 20 Repeat, with heads facing, 4s leading the figure, hands across at the heads [[4th|gent R-H, 4th lady L-H]], dance home and turn single. CHORUS: A1-2 As above Second Figure: B1 16 Head couples face R-H couple, making 2 long lines of 4 on the diagonal. Middle people dance a full figure-8 through the nearest end. 4 All face partner and turn single. B2 16 Head couples face L-H couple, making 2 long lines of 4 on the other diagonal. New middle people dance a full figure-8 through the nearest end. 4 All face partner and turn single. CHORUS: A1-2 As above Third Figure: B1 8 W/partner, lead away and come back. Face partner. 8 Circular hey œ, passing partner R-shoulder to start. 4 In opposite place, face partner and turn single B2 20 Repeat to home place
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