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Dutch Dollars

Note: Music seems to be same as Tythe Pig.

Tri min Gedge 1800

  A1&A2  1st Co cross down between 2nd & 3rd Co's to hey on
         wrong sides;
         then cross back to hey on own sides:
  B1     1st Co lead down, turn, lead back to top & cast to
         middle place;
  B2     1st & 2nd Co's 'cross corners', i.e. 1st corners
         cross L & turn to L as 2nd Corners immediately cross
         R & turn to R, then all cross back the same way.

Source: Dance and Danceability
Sticker Number: OECDC 2016 - 12

From John Garden:

Thompson “24 Country Dances for the year 1800”, also in Gedge ‘Town and Country Ladies’ own memorandum book or 'Fashionable Companion 1800’.
Triple minor proper

A1    Hey contrary sides
A2    then on your own side
B1    1s Down the middle & up again, finishing either with a cast off 
      (as in Dutch Pins) or by simply move into middle place and not 
      returning to top of set.
B2    Right & left at Top - possibly in regency style with 1W and 2M 
      ‘oval gypsying’ just ahead of 1M and 2W ‘oval gypsying’

Gray’s Country Dance Book for the year 1799 offers ‘Dutch Pins’ - virtually the same dance to a different tune:

A1 The first Cu. hey contrary sides
A2 Then on the other sides,
B1 Lead down one Cu. up again, and cast off
B2 Right & left at top

This dance helps us feel comfortable about assuming the author of the Thompson dance assumed a cast off at the end of the B1 – its from Dutch Pins that this is indeed where and how the 1s progress.

The Regency ‘oval gypsying’ style Right & left which I have suggested in B2, was also suggested by Pat Shaw in his Holland as seen in the English Country Dance 1713-1820, 1960. Nicholas Broadbridge followed Shaw in his Dance and Danceability notes,


ins_dutch_dollars.txt · Last modified: 2019/04/28 02:06 by