Walsh 1712, Purcell tune, 3/4, long duple
Adapted by Graham Christian in 2004.
A1 1-2 All set into the center and back. 3-4 Taking hands in a ring, circle left halfway. 5-6 Letting go of hands, all set into the center and back again. 7-8 Taking hands in a ring, circle right back to place. A2 1-2 Ones cast down, while the twos lead up 3-4 Ones two-hand turn. 5-8 As in 1-4, the twos casting and turning. B1 1-2 All back to back with partner. 3-6 Four changes of a square hey, giving hands, partners start right hand: 7-8 Ones cast down, while the twos lead up (progression). B2 1-5 With next couple double figure eight (ones crossing down, two moving up the outside). 6-8 Ones lead down the center and cast back, while the twos cast up and lead down the centre turning out into progressed places.
lw dpl works!
A1 Hands 4, all step-set L & R, circle L (5 steps then feet together); Repeat in reverse (step-set R & L) A2 1's cast down, 2's lead up, 1's turn 2 hands once round 2's cast down, 1's lead up 2's turn 2 hands once round B1 1's b-t-b, then face neighbors for circular hey (no hands) 4 changes, then 1's go down the outside below 2's (who move up) B2 1's go full fig 8 up thru 2's, then with cpl below do symmetrical b-t-b (1's going down center & up outside)
Volpone ([volˈpoːne], Italian for “sly fox”) is a comedy play by English playwright Ben Jonson first produced in 1605–1606, drawing on elements of city comedy and beast fable. A merciless satire of greed and lust, it remains Jonson's most-performed play, and it is ranked among the finest Jacobean era comedies.
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