Astonished Archeologist, The
after Philippe Callens, 1999 to tune “Goff Hall” by Dan Lanier.
Three Couple Set, Proper.
A1 All set (R&L) to partner, 1/2 RH Turn with Partner All set (R&L) to partner, 1/2 LH Turn with Partner A2 All Back to Back R shoulder. All turn partner 2 Hands (to left) 3/4, then pull back R shoulder to finish back to back in a line of 6 (all men are facing down, all women facing up W1 M1 W2 M2 W3 M3) B1 Hey for 6 (R shoulder, people at ends, who face away from the rest, loop LEFT to begin. Pass 3 in the hey (1/2 way) to meet partner in a LEFT gypsy 3/4 to (own) side. B2 Taking hands on side, lines fall back a double and forward a double into... Top 2 couples (not originals, but C3 and C2) hands 4 half way left, then cross R shoulder to own side WHILE bottom couple (C1) turn 2 hands all the way round. Thus finish C2 C3 C1.
Music: – OK – OK
both fine but different styles
B1 1-6
Each dancer, upon reaching an end of the hey, loops left and passes left shoulder when re-entering the hey.
A delightful dance that keeps moving. The real pleasure in the dance is the choreography of A2 through B1, beginning with the back-to-back on the diagonal into the two-hand turn into a single line down the middle. The following hey goes so well with the music change in B1, and the gypsy to get back into lines is such fun!
A happy dance to happy music.