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Cruickshank 2001
Bray 1699
Duple Improper, 2 steps/bar
Recordings:– preferred recording

 A1  1-4  M cast R, up the middle passing L shoulder to original place, face out.
          W follow partner to opposite W's place, finish facing out
     5-8  Lead partners out and back       
 A2       As above, W casting to L, (Men follow W opposite) passing R shoulders 
          in middle  (now progressed, 1st C proper, 2nd improper)
 B1  1-2  Quick changes R with partners (1 bar), L on side, keep hands on sides  
     3-4  with hands, set forward and back       
     5-8  back to back, L shoulder and finish facing across set       
 B2  1-4  All cast R and dance half way round. Progressed, 2nd improper 1st proper   
     5-8  facing neighbor, 3 changes with hands.


The Bartlett Buildings, sometimes called Bartlett's Court, were built by Thomas Bartlett in 1615, in Holborn, Strype's survey of London in 1720 calls this little street off Fetter Lane “a very handsome spacious Place, graced with good Buildings of Brick, with Gardens behind the Houses; and is a place very well inhabited by Gentry, and Persons of good Repute” It was, moreover, quite close to Lincoln’s Inn Fields Theatre, where Thomas Bray had danced and choreographed for the United Company the Bartlett Buildings may have had personal meaning for Bray.

ins_bartlett_house.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/29 18:40 by