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Maid Peeped Out At the Window

or The Friar in the Well
Longways for 4 or 6 couples
p. 68 of “The Playford Ball”

   Part I
   A    1-8 Partners lead up a double and fall back a double. 
            That again.
   B1   1-4 1st man, followed by the other men, cast down to 
            bottom of the set while women do the same, reversing 
            the set, top to bottom.
        5-8 Partners set and turn single.
   B2   1-8 Repeat B1, casting up to top.
   Part II
   A    1-8 Partners side twice.
   B1   1-2 All face up: Men go four slips right to 
            women's side, passing in front of women
            while women go four slips left to men's side.
        3-8 Still facing up, all forward a double, then face 
            partner, set and turn single.
   B2   1-2 All face down: Women slip left in front of partner 
            while men slip right.
        3-8 Facing down, all forward a double, then set to 
            partner and turn single, ending in original places.
   Part III
   A    1-8 Partners arm right, then left.
   B1   1-4 All half-poussette clockwise, 1st and 3rd men 
            pushing to start.
        5-8 Partners set and turn single.
   B2   1-4 Complete the poussette to original places, 
            1st and 3rd men pulling.
        5-8 Partners set and turn single.
ins_maid_peeped_out_at_the_window.txt · Last modified: 2019/04/23 19:43 by nashjc