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(Our) Brief Encounters

Source: Dancing Across the Atlantic (2007): Loretta Holz

Recording: Dancing Across the Atlantic: Flying Romanos

3-couple longways

A1   1-4    C1 cast below the C3, meet and face up
     5-8    C1 lead up to 2nd place, and handy-hand star on 
            the sides (men left, women right)
     9-12   C1 switch sides (W1 crossing above) and continue 
            star on other side (W1 L with men, M1 R with women)
    13-16   C1 lead to top, cast to 2nd place (C2 moving up).  
            Note:  C1 improper
B1   1-8    C1 and C2 open ladies chain (W turn half R to start)
     9-12   C1 cross up between the C2 and dance to the bottom 
            of the set, C3 moving up
    13-16   All partner 2-hand turn

Videos: and

ins_brief_encounters.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/08 11:51 by