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Masquerade Royal

John Young 1718
three couple set

A1 1s turn single down lead through the 2s cast up to place and turn single up
A2 2s turn single up lead through the 1s cast down to place and turn single down
B1 Mirror hey for the set 1s in and down to start and finish home then
   finish hey by continuing to ending in progressed positions-1s in third place.
   Partners 2 hand turn once around.


This dance can be danced as triple minor:

A1 1s turn single down lead through the 2s cast up to place and turn single up
A2 2s turn single up lead through the 1s cast down to place and turn single down
B1  Mirror hey for the set 1s in and down to start and finish home then
   cast to the 2nd place 
   Partners 2 hand turn once around.


Masquerade Royal

Long Set, 3 pls.

Al 1-8 lst cpl. turn S. down (man R., wo. L.), then lead down through
       2nd cpl, cast back up to place, and turn 5. up.
A2 1-8 2nd op turn S. up (man L., wo. R.), then lead up through
       Ist cpl, cast back down to place, and turn S. down, into
B 1-6 Grimstock hey, Ist cpl. leading down between 2nd cpl. to start (12 steps).
  7-8 Ist cpl. lead down into 2nd place, 2nd cpl. moving up the outside
      into Ist place.
  9-10 1st cpl. go down the outside into 3rd place, 3rd cpl. leading up into 2nd place.
  11-14 Ptns. 2-hand turn once round.
        Repeat x 2 
ins_masquerade_royal.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/29 02:45 by