This is one of many English dances that are simple, but have a happy spirit that makes them enjoyable.
Formation: Couples (about 6) in longways sets. Head of hall is R of W to start.
Partners face. Lines advance FWD and BKWD, pass through. REPEAT. Swing partners. Head couples polka down center of sets. REPEAT entire dance.
Measures 1-2 Introduction - no movement
PART 1 1-4 Face partner w/hands joined in lines. Walk FWD 3 steps, M/L, W/L; bow to partner on count 4. Walk BKWD 4 steps to place. 5-8 Pass through. Release hands, and pass partner’s R should to change places w/8 steps. Turn R to face partner on last step. REPEAT measures 1-8 to return to original position. PART 2 1-8 Partners step FWD, join both hands, and swing CW with a polka step. PART 3 1-8 Head couple polka down center of set in shoulder-waist position to foot of set. Other couples clap hands and move one position up the set to repeat dance with new head couple.
You may use a skipping step instead of the polka for the two-hand swing and the polka-
??Another version??
Couples face counter clockwise around room – ??formation
?? Women on RHS of men.
8 chassez steps to Mens left (4 bars) 4 W turning steps (4 bars) ?? If want a rest, or to do more turning steps, go into centre of room. POLKA M rt arm around waist Lt. lower ?? begin M Left to begin slide Lt, bring Rt up. ?? slide Lt, rest ??
ins_gallopede.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/16 02:06 by