Thomas Bray in 1699.
Interpreted by Pat Shaw in 1962.
Proper duple minor longways dance.
A1 1-4 M1 casts to place of M2 improper with W1 following, while W2 casts up M2 followingP 5-8 All RH turn partner (improper, progressed) A2 1-4 Repeat, M1 casts up, W2 down. B1 1-4 All cross passing partner L shoulder, Turn half L, meet in middle R shoulder to R shoulder 5-8 All turn RH with partner 1.25 (back home) 9-12 M1 and W2 turn to rt and face out, dance out and turn in WHILE partners follow, but dance Lt shoulder around each other, finish back to back facing partner ?? M1 W1 M2 W2 13-16 half poussette to progressed places
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