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La Gavre

Trappeniers 1777
P. Callens 2002
duple minor, longways, improper

A 16 R-hand star, then L-hand star
B 16 1s lead down center, turn inwards, skip back & cast to 2nd place
    (2s move up, finish facing out)
C 16 Neighbors mirror gypsy on the side:
    1st man & 2nd woman R-shoulder, 1st woman & 2nd man L-
    shoulder; repeat by other shoulder
D 8 All set forward to partners & turn single to place
    Partners take R-hands. Bernard Bentley allemande: ladies move
    forward and back, while men gypsy around them

La Gavre

A 1-8 All four right hands across, then left hands across.
B 1-8 Is lead down the center of the set (4 bars), then lead back 
       to places and cast down into 2nd place (hipping), 2s moving,
       up into Ist place and facing out (4 bars).
C 1-4 Current neighbors gypsy, 1st man and 2nd woman by the right shoulder, 
      1st woman and 2nd man by the left shoulder.
  5-8 Neighbors gypsy again by the other shoulder, 1st man and 2nd woman 
      by the left 1st woman and 2nd man by the right shoulder. 
D I-4 Partners set right and left, moving forward slightly, then turn single right. 
  5-8 Partners “allemande” turn, thus: partners taking right hands, 
      women go forward a double and back, while men dance a clockwise around them. 


The Princes de Gavre, Charles- Emmanuel-Joseph (1695- 1773) and thereafter his son, Francois Joseph Rasse de Gavre (1731- 1797), were governors of the province of Namur (one of the three regions of Belgium); both held high offices and places of trust and esteem in the court of the Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine (1712-1780), and this dance might have been dedicated to either father or son.

ins_la_gavre.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/05 01:16 by