Autumn Moon
Gary Roodman 2015
Duple Minor Longways
Historical English Style
Tune: Autumn Moon
A 1-4 SEGMENTED HEYS: W1 cross down into the first half of a hey for three with 2nd couple ending just behind her Ptr. 5-8 MI cross down into the second half of a hey for three with 2nd couple, ending in his Ptr’s original place. 9-12 W2 cross up into the first half of a hey for three with 1st couple, ending just behind her Ptr. 13-16 M2 cross up into the second half of hey for three with 1st couple, ending in his Ptr’s original place. [Everyone is crossed over.] BI 1-4 MIRROR-IMAGE BACK-TO-BACK: Facing Nbr along the line, go back-to-back, beginning with 2nd couple splitting 1st couple. 5-8 TURN INTO LINE OF FOUR: As you are falling back, give near hand (M’s Ls, W’s Rs) to Nbr and turn once and a quarter into a line of four facing up. (1s do a little extra flip in the middle of the line.) ↑ W2 WI M1 M2 ↑ B2 1-4 Lines of four fall back and come forward into 5-8 End people gate the middles around and back into major lines; and then everyone change with Ptr.
MUSIC: “Autumn Moon“ by Rebecca King.
Teaching Point:
It helps to emphasize the phrasing in the A
music, it is 8 beats for each segment of the heys. Also, remind
W2 to be ready for the transition from A 5-8 into A 9-12.
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