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The Fine Lady of Homewood

Form: 4 couple set, longways
Dance by Gary Roodman (1996)
Music: “A Fig for a Kiss” (16 bars of 9/8 meter)

A1	1-3	Top two couples Rh across once around,
		WHILE bottom two couples do the same;
	4	All turn single L.

A2	1-3	Top two couples Lh across once around,
		WHILE bottom two couples do the same;
	4	All turn single to the R.

B1	1-2	End couples cross by R sh & cast toward the centre,
		WHILE middle couples lead out to the ends
		(This is brisk! - middles try moving out & turning R,
		all in one piece);
	3-4	Top two couples - & bottom two couples -
		circle L half-way (middles now improper).

B2	1-2	Top two couples - & bottom two couples -
		do two changes of R & L
		(R to ptnr, L to nbr);
	3-4	Couples who are now at the ends turn by the Rh once around
		WHILE couples in the middle do 2 more changes of R & L
		(begin with R to ptnr).

Repeat 3 more times to end in original places.
ins_fine_lady_of_homewood.txt · Last modified: 2019/04/20 14:48 by nashjc