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Candles in the Dark

(2006, Loretta Holz) duple minor, longways, proper, waltz time
Music by Jonathan Jensen

 A1 12 Assisted half figure-8s: C1 face down, M1 man takes 
       R-hand in right w/ W1, guiding her in front as
       they cross down between C2 & cast up to exchange places
    12 M1 & W2 assisted half figure-8 across set
 A2 12 M2 & W1 assisted half figure-8 across the set
    12 C2 assisted half figure-8 down between C1 
       All progressed, improper
 B1 12 Mirror back-to-back w/ neighbor (C2 take hands to begin)
    12 Circle-4 once around
    12 Mirror back-to-back w/ neighbor (C1 take hands to begin)
    12 Partners gypsy one-and-a-half to finish proper
ins_candles_in_the_dark.txt · Last modified: 2019/04/16 22:25 by