Mile of Smiles
dup min proper AAB 2/2 July 2012
from Joseph Pimentel’s Goldcrest Collection
A1 (1-8) First Corners set forward, turn single back to place, 2 hand turn. A2 (1-8) Second Corners repeat B (1-4) Lady 1 cast down, leading Ptr to 2nd place, improper while Cpl 2 move up on bars 3-4 (5-8) Nbrs R-hand turn 1x (9-12) Lady 2 cast down leading Ptr to 2nd place improper, while Cpl 1 move up on bars 11-12 (13-16) All star R halfway (all now prog’d & proper); all TS to L
For Dave Wiesler, an awesome pianist and tunesmith. Dave wrote the tune and dedicated it to his mother, Helen Wiesler, who grew up on a farm in southern Indiana called 'Mile of Smiles.'
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