Cary Roodman
A Longways for Four Couples
Second and Fourth Couples Improper
Historical English Style
A 1-4 M set R&L to each other and change places by the RH. 5-8 All face across and go back-to-back with opposite. 9-12 W set R&L to each other, change places by the LH, and move into promenade position with opposite. (W slide in front of the M to end on M's R.) 13-16 Couples promenade halfway across the set. [Everyone is home.] B 1-2 In sets of two couples, do two quick changes of R&Ls, beginning with Ptr and 3-4 With the next person in the major set, gypsy halfway (along the lines in the middle, across the set at the ends), and 5-8 Taking hands-eight, circle left halfway around. 9-12 In lines of four, fall back (2), and then turn single (2). 13-16 Everyone pass through and loop R to face back (plenty of time). 17-20 With Ptr, 2HT once around.
MUSIC: “New Hampshire Nocturne” by Jonathan Jensen.
Teaching Point:
The phrasing in the second half of the B usually
requires a little emphasis. It is two bars to fall back (9-10), two
bars to turn single (11-12), four bars to come forward, pass through
and turn back to face partner (13-16), and four bars for the two-
hand tum (17-20).