Count Tallard
Longways duple minor
A1 1-4 1st man and 2nd woman cast into each others place. 5-8 2nd man and 1st woman do the same. A2 1-4 1st couple half figure 8 up through 2nd couple 5-8 2nd couple half figure g down through 1st couple. B1 1-4 Hands 4 half round. B1 5-8 Corners cross. B2 1st couple lead down through next 2nd couple, cast up to progressed place then lead through own 2nd couple and cast into progressed place.
Source: J. Walsh The Compleat Dancing Master l71g O Copyrigh t 1988 Kepas Consultants. Eynsham Oxford
COUNT TALLARD. English, Jig. D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. The tune was first printed in the 13th edition (1706) of the Dancing Master (then printed in London by John Young, heir to the Playford's),
for information on the Duc de Tallard (1652-1728). Tallard was captured at the battle of Blenheim in August, 1704, and returned to England as a prisoner, where he was kept at Nottingham. In 1711 he was released and returned to France, where apparently no ill will was accorded to him on account of his defeat, as he was made a duke in 1712 and a Peer of France in 1715.
The title may refer to Camille, Marquis de le Baume-d’Hostun, Baron d’Arlanc, Comte de Tallard (1652-1728), or Count Tallard. Tallard was a general turned diplomat who served as Louis 14th’s extraordinary to England from 1700-1702, when he was expelled by King William III after King Louis recognized the son of King James II as the successor to the throne of England. Tallard’s military reputation peaked during the War of the Spanish Succession, and he was created Marshal of France after several victories. He commanded the French and Bavarian forces at Blenheim in 1704, where he was defeated by John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough and Eugene of Savoy, and was taken prisoner. Tallard has his another melody in the Dancng Maste
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