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X Ackley

Chris Sackett 2007
Duple Minot Longways
Tune: X Ackley

A1 1-4 2nd diagonal cast right into large loop on own side to end home facing out
       while 1st diagonals follow partner to orbit the set
       halfway and end in diagonal’s place facing out; join inside hands with partner
   5-8 partner lead out and fall back
   9-10 California twirl with person below going up and under joined hands (person  
        person move down and over)  to face back in (end next to partner with 2nd 
        diagonals progressed and improper)
A2 1-4 those now on 2nd diagonals cast right into large loop on side to end where began
       facing out while those now on 1st diagonals follow opposite to orbit the set
       halfway and end in diagonal’s place facing out; join inside hands with neighbor
   5-8 Neighbors lead out and fall back
   9-10 California twirl with person below going up and under (person above down and
      over) to face back in (all end next to neighbor, progressed and improper)
Bl 1-4 Neighbors gate turn, 1s in and up to begin
   5-8 Double half figure of 8, 1s cross up and 2s cast down to begin
       (all end progressed and proper)
B2 1-4 Neighbors gate turn, 1s in and up to begin
   5-8 Partners R-shoulder back to back

Music: Jig de Jour by Jonathan Jensen, 2007
Teaching Point:
Another way to describe A bars 1-4 is that those on 2nd diagonal cast right to neighbor’s place while those on 1st diagonals follow to other side of set; then R-shoulder half gypsy on the side to end facing out.
Chris was on a morning walk and was humming Jonathan's tune. The figures for the dance came to him while on that walk. The title commemorates Chris's paternal grandfather, Henry Ackley Sackers, who was among other things an accomplished silhouette artist. He would sign his work “X Ackely Sackett.” This could be where Chris got his punning DNA (see Joint Effort). Thanks to Chris brother Rob, whose genealogic research unearthed lots of interesting information on the Sackett side of the family.

ins_x_ackley.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/30 04:28 by mar4uscha