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(Maggot Pie, 6/8 longways progressive for 3 cpls)

 A1  1-2  M1 sets fwd to W2
          W3 sets fwd to M2
     3-4  these 4 turn single
     5-8  these 4 RH across once
 A2       repeat with W1 and M3 setting to C2

 B1  1-2  C1 cast down 1 place, 2s move up
     3-6  M1 counter-clockwise round W3 to middle place
          while W1 clockwise round M3  (half figure 8 down?)
     7-8  C1 turn 1/2 way
 B2  1-2  C3 cast up, 1s move down
     3-6  M3 clockwise and W3 counterclockwise (?? check) as
          for C1 in B1 above    (half figure 8 up?)
     7-8  C3 turn 1/2 way

music +

ins_wickering_wench.1584934060.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/23 03:27 by mar4uscha