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Wibsey Roundabout

Round for five couples, historical English style

   A   1-2   Men go forward a double to center of the circle
       3-4   Women go forward a double, WHILE the men fall back
       5-6   Men go forward again and turn to the right, 
             WHILE the women fall back.
       7-12  Men give right hand to partner, 
             turn all the way back to place, 
             and go directly into three changes of rights and lefts 
             (men go cc: R to partner, then L to next then R, then ..)
      13-16  Give left to the next and turn once around.
  B    1-4   Women right hands across once around, back to places.
       5-8   All back to back with current partner 
             (use the usual right shoulder)
       9-12  Making once large ring, everyone to the center and fall back.
      13-16  Face current partner, pass by the right, 
             and two-hand turn with the next.

Music Hugh O’Donnell by Turlough O’Carolan. (?? is this correct??)

Source: ??

WIbsey Roundabout is an English Country Dance devised by Gary Roodman in 1996. It was published in “Sum Further Calculated Figures”. It is a circular 5 couple dance and a mixer.

ins_wibsey_roundabout.1584933397.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/03/23 03:16 by mar4uscha