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True Kit

Roodman – Old Friends
Music “Mr Warwick's Mask” is suggested.

   A1        1-2        1st corners step and honor, gypsy 1/2 to change places
           3-4        1st corners back to back R shoulder
   A2        1-4         2nd corners same (all end progressed improper)
   B        1-2        Change places with neighbour as follows: 
                   1st couple cast up while 2s lead down and turn single away
           3-4        Gate: 2s gate 1s down and back into lines
           5-6        Circle 4H once around (all the way!)
           7-8        1s cross and go below, while 2s 2H turn 1/2 way and lead up.
ins_true_kit.1556229584.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/04/25 21:59 by nashjc