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Sams Maggot

Joseph Hare, 1728
Long set, 3 cpls.
Tune: Sams Maggot
Interpreted by Andrew Shaw 2017.

A1 1-8   Ist man weaves down his line, passing inside 2nd man, outside 3rd man (8 
         steps), then returns up the middle into his ptn.'s place, Ist woman crossing into 
         his place and turning L. to face in (4 steps), then Ist cpl. L-hand turn half 
         round, to places {4 steps).
A2 1-8   Ist  woman weaves down her line, passing inside 2nd  woman, outside 3rd  woman. (8 
         steps), then returns up the middle into her ptn.'s place, Ist man crossing 
BI 1-8   Ist and 2nd cpls. set Right and Left to ptn. and turn S. R., then, ptns. facing, 
         R. and L. 2 changes (4 steps per change), Ist cpl. moving directly into 
   9-16  Ist man and 3rd  woman, Ist  woman and 3rd man, R-hand turn once round, into 
         Ist man and 2nd man, Ist  woman and 2nd  woman, L-hand turn once round,
B2 1-8   2nd and Ist cpls. set R. and L. to ptn. and turn S. R., then, ptns. facing, 
         R.and L. 2 changes~ to original places. 
   9-12  cpl. set R. and L., then short cast down into 2 plece, 2 cpL leading up 
         Into I place. 
   13-16 1st cpl lead down and turn away from each other into 3rd place, as 3rd cpl long cast 
         up into 2nd place


ins_sams_maggot.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/06 01:59 by