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Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett 2007
Longways for Three Couples
Tune: Remembrance

Al 1-4 Mirror (Morris)  hey on sides ends cast and middles move up middle to begin
   5-8 1s cast to the bottom, lead up to the top and cast to 2nd place (2s move up)
A2 1-4 Mirror (Morris) hey om sides, ends cast and new middles (1s) move down
       middle to begin
   5-8 3s cast to the top, lead down to the bottom and cast into 2nd place (1s move
       down the sideline without taking hands) (order 2, 3, 1       

BI 1-2 Middles with 1st comers do two changes of rights and lefts on 
       the diagonal (with hands)
   3-4 Middles with 2nd comers do two changes of rights and lefts on 
       the diagonal (with hands)
   5-6 Middles orbit CCW halfway round the set
   7-8 Partners L-shoulder gypsy once round (all improper, order 1, 3, 2)
B2 1-8 Repeat Bl

Music: Remembrance by Dave Bartley, 2007
Teaching points:
Note that you do four steps to the bar.
For diagonal rights and lefts, middles go to the same end both times in the 1st B (with your 1st comer and then your partner's 2nd corner) and the other end both times in the 2nd B. See diagrams on page 58,
After gypsy at the end of BI, partners Separate to sidelines. Out of the final gypsy at the end of B2, Partners stay close — new 1s and 2s facing up and 3s facing down ready to begin the hey.
For Brooke's parents, Natalie and Ed Friendly.

ins_remembrance.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/25 18:05 by mar4uscha