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Randolph Farewell (by Fried deMetz Herman; tune by Tom Siess)

3 couples in circle; 3/4 time)

A music    Right-hand turn to partner, women left-hand star in middle;
                meet partner with right hand, then men left-hand star in middle
                Meet partner with right hand into a grand chain around the set ; then turn single left 
B music    Couple 1 lead between other two couples, then Man 1 cross partner in front , Couple 1 cast around 1 person, cross

                 over, cast back to place.
                All circle left 2 waltz steps, balance left and right; repeat home

repeat with Couple 2 leading through in B, then with Couple 3 leading through in B
ins_randolph_farewell.1507925125.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/10/13 20:05 by nashjc