Mayor And Corporation, The
Set dance for 3 couples longways.
A1 Hey on contrary sides, i.e. 1st man passing his partner in front of him dances a hey for 3 on the woman's side, while his partner dances a hey for 3 on the men's side. As the 2nd and 3rd couples reach the top of the set the man passes his woman in front of him and continues the hey on the women's side while the women continue the hey on the men's side. AII arc now improper. A2 Hey on your own side. i.e. 1st man passing his partner in front of him dances a hey for 3 on the men's side while his partner dances a hey for 3 on the women's side. The 2nd and 3rd couples change on to their own sides as they pass through the top position. AII are now proper and in - original place . B1 1-2 1st couple lead to the bottom of the set. B1 3-4 1st man turn his partner under with R.H. and change places with her. 5-8 1st couple cast up to place (improper) while the 2nd couple crossing over between 3rd couple dance round the 3rd couple taking inside hands with them to finish improper in middle place. B2 1-4 1st woman and 2nd man change places, then 1st man and 2nd woman change places. 5-8 1st and 3rd couples 3 changes of circular hey (partners facing) to progressed Place.
Source: Thompson's Compleat Collection Vol. IV.
O Copyright 1987 Kepas Consultants. Eynsham Oxford
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