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Mr. Legge's Initiation

A dance by Joseph Pimentel 1997
proper duple minor

May 2005 English country dance by Joseph Pimentel longways, duple minor, proper tune “Lovely Lane” by Dave Wiesler, 110 bpm, 2/2, C major

  A 1-4 1st corners set toward each other and turn single back to place  
    5-8 facing Partner two changes of Right and Left  
    9-12   2nd corners set toward each other and turn single back to place
    13-16  facing Neighbour  two changes of Right and Left  (all home)
  B 1-8    Take crossed hands with P: full poussette, CCW
           (end merged into wavy lines across, looking from
           the stage: W2-W1-M2-M1, 15 facing down, 2s facing
           up, all with L sh next to N)
    9-12   Individually, lead forward a double and fall back
    13-16  N L-hd turn once and a bit more to progressed place

ins_legges_initiation.1558311248.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/05/20 00:14 by mar4uscha