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THE FAST PACKET—duple longways (2/2) (D, G) Choreographer: Bob Lilley

Tunes: Enrico, with Green Cockade as a change tune

CDSS News # 149, July/Aug. 1999

“I was writing software for a fast Packet Switching Engine at the time and Fast Packet suggested itself as being folky, in a sea-shantyish sort of way.

Recording: Boston Centre Series, vol. XI, by Bare Necessities

Hornpipe step.

A1  1-4  1st corners R-elbow turn 1 1⁄2 (or 2 1⁄2).
    5-8  2nd corners the same.

A2 1-4 1st corners back to back step hops or other hornpipe steps.

  5-8  2nd corners the same.</code>

B1 1-4 Clapping:

       W. R-diag. person: tog., tog., R.
       W. L-diag. prson: tog., tog., L.
       W. ptnr.: tog., R, tog., L, tog., tog., both.</code>

B2 5-8 As above.

  1-6  Circle L 1 1⁄2 (to orig. places).
  7-8  Clockwise half poussette (1st man. pushing to start)</code>


ins_fast_packet.1441131919.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/01 18:25 by nashjc